Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My name is Ekene and I am a movie producer.

At whatever point I present myself like that, it inspires distinctive responses from individuals. Amongst Nigerians, you can see it on their countenances when they grin and say “goodness! You are amongst those individuals that make those juju movies” or they call them “substandard” or ‘shocking quality’ or ‘poor narrating’ motion pictures.

I can comprehend what they are attempting to say and I pardon them. That was me a couple of years prior until I got more data.

They are contrasting our motion pictures and the Hollywood films, which is the thing that they watch at the silver screens. Around 90% of the films screened at Nigerian silver screens are Hollywood motion pictures. So I hear some of them ask me “when will you folks begin making motion pictures like the folks in Hollywood do”? Alternately they ask me when we would resemble Hollywood.

I manage many individuals in the center and high society (which make around 15% of the number of inhabitants in the nation) in the Lekki suburb where I live in Lagos and I understood that a great deal of them don’t watch Nigerian films. This could be because of the way that their exclusive considering Nigerian motion pictures originates from what they used to see years prior when they last saw one without understanding a great deal has changed. They like to watch American arrangement and motion pictures and ask why we can’t make it as they do. You need to understand that the American film industry is more than 100 years of age and they likewise had a period when they made motion pictures that individuals felt were not that great.

Lets me likewise say that the normal sum it takes a studio just to advertise a motion picture in Hollywood is about $40 million, without creation cost (Source: http://ift.tt/ganqAE). So it’s wrong to expect that a house worked with that sum and the one worked with $20,000 would resemble the other alike. The motivation behind why we can’t spend past what we spend now is likewise in light of the fact that we know the amount of profits it would make. Is it true that it isn’t incautious to make a motion picture for $100,000 when the normal sum a Nigerian motion picture makes in returns in under $40,000? Americans did not begin that industry by burning through millions on a motion picture. They developed to where they are. So today, Americans can stand to spend even $100 million to make a motion picture since they know the motion picture would open in more than 100,000 screens with various spaces every day and around 200 seats for every screen.

You figure it out, when contrasted with around 20 silver screens here. We know we have an energy for filmmaking but at the same time it’s what we use to sustain our families, send our children to great schools and pay the bills. That we don’t hitch a tie in the morning and go to an office by 8am does not mean it’s not a business that ought to make a benefit. I know you probably knew about some Nigerian motion pictures that they claim to have made with about $100,000 and how they earned near a million dollars.

All things considered, that is story for one more day. Be that as it may, as the idiom goes ‘don’t generally trust the buildup’. There’s a mess to those figures and you likewise need to acknowledge how a couple of those motion pictures are additionally funded.Though several Nigerian movies have profited as reported. Be that as it may, that is not what this review is about.

As they inquire as to why we can’t resemble Hollywood, what they neglect to acknowledge is that we don’t plan to resemble Hollywood. It looks bad for us to attempt and duplicate Hollywood. It’s bad for us by any stretch of the imagination. I know a couple of movie producers in Nigeria have this aspiration and make their movies to fit this reason and we want them to enjoy all that life has to offer. Incidentally, just around 1% of motion pictures shot outside America or by non-Americans make it to the US


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